
Earth Overshoot Day is earlier than ever this year—and it underestimates the crisis
On Monday, July 29, we will be 209 days into the calendar year. And we will have used up all the resources the Earth could regenerate in 365 days. At least, that’s according to the Global Footprint Network, a group that uses an array of mostly United Nations data to calculate what it calls Earth Overshoot […]
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Does higher education still prepare people for jobs?
We often hear employers and business leaders lament the unfortunate gap between what students learn in college and what they are actually expected to know in order to be job-ready. This is particularly alarming in light of the large — and still growing — number of people graduating from university: above 40% of 25 to 34-year-olds in OECD […]
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El futuro laboral es híbrido
Las profesiones nuevas combinan disciplinas y humanidades hasta ahora relegadas a silos temáticos Se acabó lo de discriminar las artes de las ciencias. Cada vez hay más escuelas que ponen a trabajar a jóvenes con distintos talentos y lógica. Humanidades con matemáticas, mecánica con danza, programación junto a oratoria. La brecha ya no está en […]
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Can Mark Zuckerberg fix facebook before it breaks democracy?
At ten o’clock on a weekday morning in August, Mark Zuckerberg, the chairman and C.E.O. of Facebook, opened the front door of his house in Palo Alto, California, wearing the tight smile of obligation. He does not enjoy interviews, especially after two years of ceaseless controversy. Having got his start as a programmer with a nocturnal bent, he […]
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