
Internet Of Things: Cómo la tecnología en el hogar contribuirá a hacer frente al cambio climático
“Hablamos de hacer más con menos. La clave está en el minimalismo”, subraya la investigadora británica Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino, experta en internet de las cosas «La tecnología en el espacio doméstico contribuirá a hacer frente al cambio climático», ha comentado la investigadora británica Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino, considerada una de las personas más influyentes en internet de las cosas, que […]
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You’re very easy to track down, even when your data has been anonymized
A new study shows you can be easily re-identified from almost any database, even when your personal details have been stripped out. The data trail we leave behind us grows all the time. Most of it isn’t that interesting—the takeout meal you ordered, that shower head you bought online—but some of it is deeply personal: […]
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How to Write a Winning PR Pitch
Visibility can often mean the difference between failure and success for small businesses, corporations and entrepreneurs. I love NPR’s podcast, How I Built This, detailing the stories of successful founders. One remarkable thing I’ve noticed is how they all have a breakthrough PR moment. The founder of 1-800-GOT-JUNK cold-called a local news outlet and got his strange […]
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